Title: RMS-099 Rick Dias
Scale: 1/144
Grade: High Grade Universal Century (HGUC)
Overall Rating: 3.3 out of 5 stars
Kit No.: # 10
Series: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Release Date: 06/2000
Suggested Price: ¥ 1200
Where to Buy: Price: $20.99 >>Buy from Amazon<<
HGUC RMS-099 Rick Dias Gunpla Picture Gallery
Infomation of RMS-099 Rick Dias
The RMS-099 Rick Dias is a second-generation mass production attack-use mobile suit, it was featured in the anime series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam.
General and Technical Data
Model number: RMS-099 (MSA-099)
Code name: Rick Dias
Unit type: mass production attack use heavy mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Operator(s): AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group); Earth Federation Forces
First deployment: UC 0087
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in head
Dimensions: overall height 21.6 meters; antenna height 18.7 meters; head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 32.2 metric tons; max gross 54.7 metric tons; mass ratio 1.43
Armor materials: gundarium γ alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1833 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 37400 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 7
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration: 1.37 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 11500 meters; 2 x "random binder" ejectable external propellant tank, mounted on backpack; birdlime launchers in hands; flare launchers in hands
Fixed armaments: 2-barrel 55mm vulcan phalanx anti-missile gun system, mounted in head; beam saber, power rated at 0.4 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: 2 x beam pistol, power rated at 2.2 MW, powered by rechargeable energy cap, can be stored in backpack storage racks; AE/ZIM.C-BAZ-531 clay bazooka, clip-fed, 7 rounds per clip plus 1 round in chamber; beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap
Technology & Combat Characteristics
Developed by Anaheim Electronics the RMS-099 (MSA-099) Rick Dias (codename: "γ Gundam" (Gamma Gundam)) became one of the first mass-produced mobile suits of the AEUG's Zeta Project for their fight against the corrupt Titans. Because many engineers who worked on the Rick Dias were former Principality of Zeon members, the Rick Dias featured many similarities to Zeon mobile suits. It not only features a mono-eye sensor but its name is also derived from the MS-09R Rick Dom. The Rick Dias was originally to be called Gundam γ which was due to the fact that the Rick Dias is built out of the new Gundarium γ . This material was developed by Axis and has strength similar to standard Gundarium yet is structurally lighter, making the suit lighter and thus allowing it to accommodate a greater fuel capacity. The Rick Dias was also armed with a great number of weapons and thus became a strong enemy for most of the Titan's suits.
The Rick Dias is one of the earlier models of mobile suits to use the 360-degree panoramic cockpit, and the first original design to be constructed by the AEUG. One notable feature is that unlike other mobile suits in use at the time, the cockpit of the Rick Dias is built into the head and not the chest of the mobile suit. Built into its hands are specialized launchers that can be used to launch fire-suppressing gas or a binding adhesive.
For combat the Rick Dias is equipped with a large variety of weapons, making it a versatile mobile suit. Among its built-in weapons include a 2-barrel 55mm vulcan phalanx anti-missile gun system built into the head and a beam naginata stored in recharge racks in the backpack. For ranged combat the Rick Dias is equipped with a pair of beam pistols stored in backpack storage racks. It can also be optionally equipped with a clay bazooka, a bazooka that fires a specialized round that breaks into smaller pellets, and a standard beam rifle.
- 2-barrel 55mm Vulcan Phalanx Anti-missile Gun System
- A standard armament of the mobile suits in this era. These head mounted shell firing weapons have a high-rate of fire, but have little power and are generally ineffective against mobile suits; however, the vulcan gun can damage lightly armored areas such as the sensors. These weapons are ideal for shooting down small, fast moving, lightly armored targets such as missiles or small vehicles.
- Beam Pistols
- While most mobile suits feature a single large beam rifle, the Rick Dias instead is equipped with two small beam pistol, which look like the Nazi's pistol. Despite their small size, the pistols are powerful enough to destroy an enemy unit with a single shot. If not in use, the pistols are mounted on the backpack of the unit.
- AE/ZIM.C-BAZ-531 Clay Bazooka
- Unlike normal bazookas, the Clay Bazooka is a large rocket launcher it could fire several missiles that that breaks into smaller pellets to attack targets at long range. While not powerful as other models, it can takes a mobile suit with one shot. Most oftenly used to take out slow, heavily armored targets.
- Beam Rifle
- A standard hand carried ranged beam weapon is the beam rifle. Capable of firing concentrated mega particles, attacks from a beam rifle are can damage any ordinary armor that has not be specially treated to resist it. Like all beam rifle of this era, Rick Dias's model is powered by a replaceable E-cap.
- Beam Saber
- The standard close range armament for most Mobile Suits. The beam saber is a small cylindrical device held in the mobile suit's hands when operated and is powered by an energy capacitor that is recharged from special racks. The beam saber is capable of cutting through any metal that has not been treated with anti-beam coating. The Rick Dias is equipped with two beam sabers stored in recharge rack on the hips.
Special Equipment & Features
- "Random Binder" Ejectable External Propellant Tank
- To increase the Rick Dias's operational time, it's equipped with a pair of binder-style propellants, which carry extra fuel. This kind of equipment was modified after MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki's wing binders, and it really boost the Suit's agility. The Random Binders then became standard equipment of the MSA-099-2 Rick Dias II.
- Arm-equipped Flare Launchers
- A flare launcher is mounted on the Rick Dias II's arm in order to distract enemies, or use as a signalling tool.
The Rick Dias was used during many major AEUG missions as the AEUG's first original and most powerful mass-production mobile suit, making its first known major use during the AEUG's mission to infiltrate Gryps and steal the new RX-178 Gundam Mk-II. Three Rick Dias mobile suits would be used to infiltrate the colony, led by AEUG ace Quattro Bajeena in his custom painted red Rick Dias. The mission was successful and proved the value of the Rick Dias. For all following missions Rick Dias mobile suits were assigned to the AEUG's top pilots who did not possess their own custom unit such as the Gundam Mk-II or the MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki.
Initially the standard color scheme for the Rick Dias is black and dark gray, with one unit given a custom red on dark red paint job. However; at some point, while the AEUG was on Earth, the standard color scheme was switched over to the same red coloring scheme used on the unit Quattro Bajeena and later Emma Sheen piloted.
Despite being technologically advanced and state of the art at the start of the Gryps Conflict (to the point that the Titans tried to steal some of the Argama's compliment), the Rick Dias was soon overshadowed by the increasingly more advanced designs in the AEUG and the Titans. By the start of the First Neo Zeon War, there weren't any operational units left, having been abandoned for more Gundam-like suits. [Source: wikia]
- RMS-099S Rick Dias S
- RMS-099B Schuzrum Dias
- RMS-099NT Röten Dias
- RMS-99 Kanone Dias
- RX-098 Prototype Rick Dias
- MSA-099 Rick Dias [Delphi Squad]
- MSA-099 Rick Dias [Stutzer]
- MSA-099-2 Rick Dias II
- MAN-104 (MSae-39) Nahatgall
- MSK-008 Dijeh
1/144 HGUC RMS-099 Rick Dias Model Kit Review
Along with the Hyaku-Shiki (Type 100), the Rick Dias is one of the most popular mecha from Zeta Gundam as it was designed by Mamoru Nagano of L-Gaim and Five Star Stories fame. This new kit does it justice, featuring overall slimmer, sharper proportions than the chunky High Complete Model or 1/100 kit of many years ago. As usual for kits in the High Grade series, it's molded in color, features snap assembly, and has poly-caps for all the moving joints.
As you can see, this HGUC RMS-099 Rick Dias model definitely resembles a Zeon suit. Its bulky too, but due to the armor being lighter its surprisingly agile; like a Rick Dom. The proportions on the actual kit aren't bad either. Articulation however...
The Rick Dias doesn't offer much in terms of articulation. It has nice details, like the clear green eyepiece and pistons under the arms. The head connects to the body via peg, so there's no movement besides turning it to look side to side. The arms are connected to the body via pegs and have very little movement besides rotating the arm around. The arms can bend 90 degrees and the hands can rotate around. The waist connects to the body via peg, and the legs attach via ball joints. The skirts restrict the already limited movement of the legs. The knees give you less than a 90 degree bend and the feet ave no articulation; and attach via a ball joint. The level of articulation for this kit is to be expected, given its an early HGUC and that it is a bulky ms. But due to this it feels stable enough to stand on its own without it toppling over itself.
The Rick Dias comes equipped with a fair amount of weapons: 2x Beam Pistols, 2x 55mm Vulcan Phalanx Anti-Missile Guns(found on the head) 1x Clay Bazooka, and a Beam Saber.
Beam Pistols: The beam pistols are pretty cool and can be stored in the back when not in use. Another fun fact is that the index finger can open and close, meaning weapons can be placed in the hands without hand swapping or opening them apart etc.
Clay Bazooka: Not much to say about the clay bazooka really. Its a Bazooka whose shots split into multiple shots; sorta like a shot gun. On the model itself, there's no gimmicks but it can be stored on the back as well. Not much trouble getting the Rick Dias to hold it.
Beam Saber: It's a beam saber and it can be stored in the back skirt. That's all there is to say about the beam saber really. Oh it brings a clear green beam blade, which is always nice over the white toothpick other HGs get. Here I borrowed the yellow beam blade from my HG Hyaku-Shiki since I forgot where I placed the green one.
Phalanx Guns: Last but not least, the Phalanx Guns which can be revealed by pulling up the read head piece. They're not really detailed, but its still a nice addition to the kit.
- Pros
- Easy, quick build
- Clear green soft piece for the eye
- No stickers
- Looks fine with just panel lining
- Nice weapon selection
- Cons
- Articulation
Overall this isn't a bad kit. Its not really special or outstanding in any category though. I think this was my 3rd HGUC kit so there are probably problems with the build but i don't think those hurt it in any way. I had also gotten a metallic blue marker so I decided to test it out on the Rick Dias. Not sure what to think about it still. I got this kit as part of my Gundam Store and More Platinum Membership items, so I didn't actually choose it. So all in all, this is a decent kit. I won't say go out and buy it, unless you like it; in which case by all means. If you skip this guy, you're not missing much. You can probably get this guy for about $15 so he's pretty cheap. As usual, I get my stuff from gginfinite or Gundam Store and More.
Notice: This review written by TagrasticF91.
1/144 HGUC RMS-099 Rick Dias Gundam Model Kit
Source: www.scalemodelmuseum.com