Title: AMX-107 Bawoo
Scale: 1/144
Grade: High Grade Universal Century (HGUC)
Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Kit No.: # 15
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Release Date: 09/1999
Suggested Price: ¥ 1200
No. of Parts: 109 plastic + 5 ABS + 26 polycap
Plastic colors: orange, yellow, gray, black
Gimmicks: transformable
Where to Buy: Price: $31.23 >>Buy from Amazon<< >>Buy from Amazon
HGUC AMX-107 Bawoo Gunpla Picture Gallery
Built by Quan nguyen and m0717
Infomation of AMX-107 Bawoo
The AMX-107 Bawoo was a variable mobile suit developed by Neo Zeon during the First Neo Zeon War. It appears in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ.
General and Technical Data
Model number: AMX-107
Code name: Bawoo
Unit type: prototype general purpose transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Neo Zeon
Operator: Neo Zeon
First deployment: March UC 0088
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso/Bawoo Attacker
Dimensions: mobile suit mode: overall height 22.05 meters, head height 18.5 meters; Bawoo Attacker: overall length 26.6 meters, wingspan 24.26 meters; Bawoo Nutter: overall length 12.34 meters, wingspan 13.0 meters
Weight: mobile suit mode: empty 34.7 metric tons, max gross 67.5 metric tons; Bawoo Attacker: max gross 46.3 metric tons; Bawoo Nutter: max gross 21.2 metric tons; mass ratio 1.66
Armor materials: gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2410 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 4 x 18760 kg (operable in mobile suit mode and on Bawoo Attacker only); 7460 kg (operable on Bawoo Attacker only); 2 x 6300 kg (operable on Bawoo Nutter only); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 16
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration: mobile suit mode 1.11 G, Bawoo Attacker 1.78 G, Bawoo Nutter 0.59 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 12200 meters; transformation/docking systems, mobile suit can separate into separate Bawoo Attacker and Bawoo Nutter fighters; unmanned Bawoo Nutter operated by onboard computer auto-pilot system or by pilot in Bawoo Attacker via wireless remote control; 2 x external propellant tank, ejectable, mounted on backpack
Fixed armaments: 2 x 4-tube grenade launcher, 2 round magazine per tube, mounted in forearms; 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.88 MW, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use; 6 x AMM-06H heavy missile, mounted on Bawoo Attacker wings, operable on Bawoo Attacker only
Optional fixed armaments: shield, mounts 5 x mega particle gun (fire-linked), can be mounted on main body of Bawoo Attacker
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, power rated at 3.6 MW, powered by rechargeable energy cap, mounts on main body of Bawoo Attacker
Miscellaneous Information
Pilot(s): Glemy Toto, Gottn Goh, Arius Moma, Dana Kirai, Beecha Oleg
Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ; Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam Vs. Gundam Next; Dynasty Warriors: Gundam; Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Side Story: Mirage of Zeon
Original mechanical designer: Yutaka Izubuchi
Note: "Glemy Toto rebellion forces colors" custom lineart by v_zubko
Technology & Combat Characteristics
Capable of seperating in to the Bawoo Attacker (upper torso) and autonomous Bawoo Nutter (lower torso) units. The distinctive kanji characters on the left thigh armor of Glemy Toto's orange-colored prototype unit reads "龍" on the upper portion and "飛" on the lower portion. Together, its pronounced "Lóngfēi", meaning "Dragon Fly" (not to be confused with "Dragonfly").
The basic armaments of the Bawoo were four fixed grenade launcher guns equipped on the forearms and two beam sabers. The extendable rear wing binders are equipped with three missiles each. The optional beam assault rifle is capable of switching to a rapid-fire mode. In addition, the shield is equipped with five mega particle guns.
- Beam Saber
- 4-tube Grenade Launcher
- AMM-06H heavy missle
- Beam Rifle
- Shield
- Mega Particle Gun
Special Equipment & Features
- Optional Backpack
External propellant tanks - The Bawoo can be equipped with a pair of external propellant tanks to extend its operating time.- Transformation/Docking Systems
Bawoo Attacker - The torso with the cockpit fighter is dubbed the "Bawoo Attacker". The unit achieves this configuration by tilting the head component forward, moving the arms to the bottom of the fuselage and extending the flexible wings and the wing backpack binders. It is armed with a beam rifle, missiles and grenade launchers, boasting high offensive power. Also, with the optional shield attached to the underside of the fuselage, it could improve the aerodynamics of the aircraft.
Bawoo Nutter - The remote-controlled lower torso is called the "Bawoo Nutter". The Bawoo Nutter is controlled wirelessly by Minvosky transmission, allowing it to function as an independant combat drone. With its legs rotated to 90 degrees, the legs could be used as lumbar wings. The Bawoo Nutter had a maximum payload of 1,800 kg, and could equip a warhead and reach a range of 640km, thereby acting as a giant missile.
The Bawoo was developed to examine new possibilities for the TMS (transformable mobile suit). Although Axis had already introduced the Gaza series into combat, it had fallen behind in developing machines that could resist the transformable mobile suits of the Federation Forces, AEUG, and Titans. In U.C. 0088, which could be considered the golden age of the transformable mobile suit, the transformable mobile suits of each side were demonstrating their full effectiveness. The Axis engineers, feeling they couldn't afford to fall behind in mobile suit development, eagerly attacked the matter of transformable mobile suits as well.
Meanwhile, thanks to political strategems, many machines and technologies were obtained from the Federation Forces and the Titans. In particular, it is said that a considerable number of staff who "participated in" or "returned to" Neo Zeon came from AE (Anaheim Electronics) and the AEUG, where many elements approved of Axis's return to the Earth Sphere and the revival of Zeon. In fact, the Bawoo itself could even be called a dead copy of the MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, or possibly another machine from the Zeta Project, that was created as a result of these kinds of situations.
Mass-Production Bawoo (Axis) - Identical to Glemy's prototype save for the different color scheme. Some theorize that the mass-produced versions cannot transform , however.
Mass-Production Bawoo (Glemy Faction) - Used during the First Neo Zeon Movement by Glemy's army revolting against Haman Karn, its basic features are not changed from the Bawoo, so it still retains adaptability. [Source: wikia & MAHQ]
1/144 HGUC AMX-107 Bawoo Model Kit Review
The AMX-107 Bawoo makes its appearance in 1/144 scale in the HGUC line. This kit transforms from flight to fight mode just like it does in Zeta Gundam. Accessories include a beam saber and rifle as well as interchangeable hand parts. Perhaps the most dangerous weapon on this thing is its pointy head though. Below is a detailed review from Clem-Master-Janitor.
Time for another HGUC review, this time featuring the Bawoo. A very interesting love child of the Zeta Gundam and Gyan, how will this early HGUC transformable model kit hold up years after its release?
The head of the Bawoo is simple but detailed. It has a sticker to cover the ABS plastic part that makes up the power cable and monoeye. It would be simple to drill out to put in a colored piece of translucent plastic for added detail, but just painting on an eye works nicely. The ABS substitutes for the need of a polycap piece in the head . With the other kits I've put together capable of transformation (HGUC), this is pretty common. Moves smoothly but is not capable of looking up.
Good movement from the arms and lots of details, from the grenade launchers to the power cables all the way up to the shoulder armor. I'm guessing that the beam sabers are stored in the wrists as they appear to be molded there (not detachable). The shield attaches to the forearm via a slot in the grenade launcher piece. It releases easier than the piece in the upper body for transformation but still holds strong. Three hands are included (left and right fists, right hand beam rifle holder). There is a lot of play in the rifle but it does hold in the hand. Beam sabers tend to fall out easily, which is common place in all the earlier HGUC kits. You will have to paint for accuracy in the elbows as there are no individual elbow covers like most HGUC kits use (think the Hyaku Shiki, it uses the same model concept). Unlike the Shiki, the Bawoo doesn't have as defined of an area for the elbows so you have to take a stab in the dark when guessing where to stop painting.
Detailed and the home of the majority of the transformation pieces for the Attacker and the lynch pin to connect the Nutter to the upper body. All the parts integrate very nicely together, allowing the smooth kick out of the Nutter while the head slips into the chest and the downward motion of the shoulders folding in to place the arms underneath the main body of the Attacker. In the area behind the Attacker's nose piece, a slot can be found to insert the beam rifle. Another slot in the wing binders/rear fuel storage holds the shield during transformation. It grabs the shield too well and won't release easily.
A few complaints, though minor, are the wing binders. They rest upon two ball socket polycaps (normally used in the hips) giving them a great amount of freedom in movement. Unfortunately, it's hard to align them properly during Attacker mode. I can get them close, but they always look off during closer scrutiny. The second complaint is widespread in this kit, voids in the plastic. I'm not sure why Bandai does this, but they leave voids in the plastic for either cost cutting or weight adjustment. Not too big of a deal, but it can be seen in the shoulder joints, the wrist grenade launcher storage, the wing binders, and the feet. The feet suffer the most from this problem, though.
The lower body is the Nutter part of the kit. Legs sit nicely when transformed with a slight bend in the knees that's intentional. I still tend to try and straighten it out of habit. An exposed polycap holding the small wings in the skirt armor detracts slightly from the kit. You can paint it gray or black, if you want, or paint it orange to integrate the pieces. Transforming the Nutter is simple and requires some very easy twists of the hips and folding of the feet to achieve the final form. If the Nutter possesses any weapons, I haven't found them yet, besides Nutter puns.
Biggest problem is the feet. They are hollowed out for whatever reason. In fact, they're almost too light and fold in too easily sometimes. This destabilizes the kit since the wing binders are so heavily weighted. I filled in the heel with no negative affects on Nutter transformation. The feet don't like to move a lot in the ankles compared to many HGUC kits, so you're kind of stuck on posing due to these issues.
A beam rifle, beam saber, and shield are included. The five barrels of the mega-particle guns in the shield aren't too defined on the side guns. It can make detailing the bits difficult, but not impossible. Saber requires paint since it‘s only one solid color, but I'd opt for the rifle in displays. The rifle needs to have a folding grip. When in Attacker mode, the grip hangs down, making the Attacker unstable and always rocking side to side. Missiles are included for the wings that can be turned for display during Attacker mode.
Odds are you won't fall in love with displaying the Bawoo in its Attacker and Nutter forms. Neither has a great way to be displayed. For the most part, it's a gimmick that works very nicely but is not functional. If Bandai would have released stands specific to this kit (think HGUC's Asshimar or Gaplant), then it could have been done. Aftermarket stands can't function with this kit, either, unless you want to drill out the bottom and insert a screw. This is due to the polycaps that replace the hip ball joints for allowing transformation being too tight against the pelvic region and a very large thruster being placed dead in the center get in the way. The kit requires lots of little paint details to really make it 'pop,' but you'll be glad if you put the time in to add these things.
Overall, it's a solid kit with neat features and a rather humorously named lower half (don't say you haven't made any Nutter jokes). At a cheap price, it's worth the time and effort. You could go with the Mass Production version colors if orange turns you off, but you'll end up with the same kit.
1/144 HGUC AMX-107 Bawoo Gundam Model Kit
Source: www.scalemodelmuseum.com