Title: AMX-011 Zaku III
Scale: 1/144
Grade: High Grade Universal Century (HGUC)
Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Kit No.: # 14
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Release Date: 09/1999
Suggested Price: ¥ 1500
Where to Buy: Price: $33.00 >>Buy from Amazon<< >>Buy from Amazon
Related Model Kit: HGUC AMX-011S Zaku III Custom Price: $25.51 >>Buy from Amazon<<
HGUC AMX-011 Zaku III Gunpla Picture Gallery
Built by Hypnos.Lee and Quan Nguyen
Infomation of AMX-011 Zaku III
The AMX-011 Zaku III was a mass produced general purpose mobile suit, it was featured in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. One of the mass produced units was piloted by Rakan Dahkaran.
General and Technical Data
Model number: AMX-011
Code name: Zaku III
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Neo Zeon
Operator: Neo Zeon
First deployment: UC 0088
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 23.9 meters; head height 21.0 meters
Weight: empty 44.2 metric tons; max gross 68.3 metric tons; mass ratio 1.36
Armor materials: gundarium alloy composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2150 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 28400 kg, 6 x 19300 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 12
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 2.53 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 9700 meters
Fixed armaments: mouth beam gun, power rated at 1.6 MW, mounted in head; 2 x waist beam gun/beam saber, power rated at 2.8 MW, hand-carried in beam saber mode, stored in recharge racks in front skirt armor plates and hand-operated in beam gun mode; option rack shield, mounted on right shoulder, can store additional weapons
Optional hand armaments: none
Miscellaneous Information
Pilot: Rakan Dahkaran
Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ; Mobile Suit Gundam in UC 0099: Moon Crisis; Char's Return; Mobile Suit Gundam: Climax U.C.
Original mechanical designer(s): Masahiro Oda (principal design), Mika Akitaka (cleanup)
Technology & Combat Characteristics
As a descendant of the Zaku series of mobile suits the Zaku III was designed to be highly versatile, being able to perform just about any mission role. Though a part of the Zaku series the Zaku III is a big step up from the venerable MS-06 Zaku II, possessing over twice the power output, three times the sensor range, and four times the thruster acceleration, not to mention the various new beam weapons it wielded. Though not the highest performing mobile suit designed by Neo Zeon the Zaku III could still outperform most Federation fielded mobile suits.
Mouth Beam Gun - Each Zaku III possesses a fixed beam gun mounted in the "mouth" of the mobile suit. Power rating of 1.6 MW
Beam Gun/Beam Saber - Mounted on recharge racks on the front skirt armor and hand operated in use, these weapons possess two modes, a close combat beam saber mode and a long range beam gun mode. Both modes have a power rating of 2.8 MW.- Beam Rifle
- Heat Bayonet
Optional Shield/Weapons Rack - Unlike the previous Zaku II the Zaku III's shoulder mounted shield is optional equipment, though it was standard practice to install one. Also unlike the Zaku II the shield of the Zaku III doubled as a weapons rack to store extra armaments.
Special Equipment & Features
Optional Backpack - The Zaku III can be fitted with an optional backpack, providing additional thrusters and a pair of external propellant tanks to offset its additional consumption of fuel.
External Propellant Tanks - The optional backpack can equip a pair of external propellant tanks to increase its operating time.
As the First Neo Zeon War raged on, the Neo Zeon military continued its development of new and more powerful mobile suits. Two competing designs were produced as potential new mass-production front-line units: the AMX-011 Zaku III and the AMX-014 Doven Wolf. The intention of the Zaku III's design was that it would be a new descendant of the old Principality of Zeon's venerable (and highly versatile) MS-05 Zaku and MS-06 Zaku II lines, acting as a symbol for the restoration of the ideals and power of Zeon that Axis Zeon wished to present. The Zaku III featured a modular construction design, enabling armor, the backpack, and other components to be changed out and customized depending on the mission. Despite its high performance and versatility, however, the Zaku III design lost out to the more powerful Doven-Wolf. As a result, the Zaku III saw only limited production.
One of these prototypes would be piloted by the captain of the Endra and mobile suit pilot Mashymre Cello who would outfit his Zaku III with various optional equipment which would lead the machine to be called the AMX-011S Zaku III Custom.
The Zaku III mobile suits served during the brief Zeon Civil War that occurred during the end of the First Neo Zeon War, being piloted by Haman Karn loyalists. The Zaku III proved itself quite successful against the seemingly more powerful mobile suits being used by Glemy Toto's forces, especially against its former rival, the AMX-014 Doven Wolf. [Source: wikia & MAHQ]
- AMX-011S Zaku III Custom
- AMX-011C Zaku III Late Type
- AMX-011C Zaku III Late Type Land Use
- AMX-110E Zaku III Recon Force Type
- Suzaku (S Zaku Zaku III Custom Kai)
1/144 HGUC AMX-011 Zaku III Model Kit Review
This guy's got some big feet! This version of the Zaku looks much more modern and is reminiscent of a Gouf Flight Type (airbrush idea?). Its accessories include an unpainted beam saber and an upgraded Zaku machine gun that resembles that of the Rick-Dias. The kit is of course pre-colored and snap-together so no paint or glue is required. ~via GundamPlanet
This is the straight out of the box assembled 1/144 HGUC Zaku III Production Type (AMX-011) that saw limited production run around the year of U.C. 0088 - around Zeta Gundam anime time line.
First and foremost, it has to be noted that this model kit was produced way back in the year of 2000 - some 9 or 10 years ago - and therefore don't put too much expectation for it - especially in the articulation zone. This is a great looking Zaku and it remain to be so but that's about it.
This front skirt armor can be converted into "waist beam gun" - 2 units of them 1 on each side.
Last but not least... beam saber... but I would say the one supplied on this model kit is quite ugly which I nicknamed it as "tooth pick" beam saber.... it is never the same as what you seen in the manual. This is it... basically all plain in dark gray color... I actually use red marker pen to give it some colors but it's not really helpful... still ugly...The concept and idea of Zaku III with beam saber is nice but it is not presented accordingly in this model kit.
So that's about it... unless if you are a big fan of MS from Zeon/Neo_Zeon or unless if you love Zaku and many of it's variation, then you might consider this. Otherwise I think you can just skip this model.
At 1,500 Yen before shipment charges, you can choose other better 1/144 HGUC models or in fact you can just buy those 1/144 HG from Gundam 00 series which have excellent articulation overall compared to their previous siblings of the same scale. Again, this Zaku III is indeed a bulky cool looking MS and should be nice to see it with just standing pose.... something like the GFF stance... [Source: Shewsbury]
Value: 5/5
Quality: 3/5
Design: 3/5
Good size tons of panels to paint great for custom. Some cheap designs, arm joints way to loose they droop under the gun weight.
Value: 4/5
Quality: 4/5
Design: 4/5
When I ordered this model I didn't realize just how big it was. Even at 1/144 scale it's nearly as big as a 1/100 kit! Other 1/144 kits will be dwarfed by this thing.
The kit itself is pretty standard quality for the HG line, but it only comes with 2 weapons (a beam rifle and a beam saber) which is a little disappointing. The front skirt flaps have handles which flip out for the Zaku to hold on to.
This model has many large, flat surfaces so in my opinion it makes a great surface for a painting and panel lining introduction.
1/144 HGUC AMX-011 Zaku III Gundam Model Kit
Source: www.scalemodelmuseum.com